Real Stories – Examples of Strong Cases
Here are examples of individuals who could qualify for a lawsuit:
Case 1
A 15-year-old girl started using TikTok and Instagram at age 11, spending an average of 7 hours per day on the platforms. She became obsessed with filtered images and unrealistic beauty standards, leading to severe body dysmorphia. By 14, she developed disordered eating behaviors, engaging in extreme calorie restriction. She was diagnosed with severe anorexia and was hospitalized twice due to malnutrition. She is now in a residential treatment program receiving therapy for body image distress and anxiety.
Case 2
A 12-year-old boy was introduced to Snapchat and Facebook by his peers and soon found himself spending most of his free time online. He was exposed to cyberbullying and harmful content that glorified self-harm. Within a year, he began cutting himself and isolating himself from family and friends. His parents noticed scars and sought professional intervention, leading to intensive therapy and medication for depression. His therapist later confirmed that social media addiction and exposure to harmful content were contributing factors to his mental health struggles.
Case 3
A 17-year-old high school senior used Instagram and TikTok excessively—often up to 10 hours per day, including during school hours. She began following content related to dieting, weight loss challenges, and extreme exercise routines. Over time, she developed bulimia, binge eating and purging multiple times a day. Her parents only realized the extent of the issue after she collapsed at school due to electrolyte imbalances. She was admitted to an inpatient eating disorder treatment center for six months and continues to struggle with self-esteem issues tied to social media comparison culture.
If you or someone you love has suffered mental health harm, body dysmorphia, or self-harm due to excessive social media use, you are not alone. Maggio Law is here to help you seek justice and hold these companies accountable. Contact us today for a free consultation.
These tragic cases are not isolated incidents. If you or a loved one has suffered similar harm, we encourage you to act quickly.